I am a captain of Dungkar House. I had taken the responsibility to shoulder halve the job of teachers in school management and work with will throughout the year. Till now, all house activities were successful but of all i think tomorrow's day long activity would mean the most to me.
Tomorrow is Inter-house culture show competition and a day long school rimdo. It would mean that captains have very tight schedule as we must look after and manage our house members for the show and also work for smooth working of the day for day program's success. But what has been exciting me is, the culture competition.
For one whole month, we have been asked to prepare for the competition under three categories:
1. Zhungdra
2. Boedra
3. Rigsar
The whole month has been very tough because captains and particularly 'me' has felt difficulty in bringing our own house members to practice and management. We have worked so much the whole month, with sometimes lack of co-operations from our members. As far i know myself, i have invested my effort to the limit. I have tried to make my member's work go more easy, bringing in every resources and every facilities i could mange to them. I have even shortened my study period so as to bring up my house culture works to the best.
And Finally the day is here. Its tomorrow! The show time, a time to show my and my members hard work. I am also dancing under Rigsar category, but i havn't also backed off from supporting my teammates in other categories. You see, it wont be one failure i am expecting for, cause we have been working so hard. I am not praising my hard work but i know how much i have worked on for the day. I love dancing, people loves me dancing, and my passion makes me go to edge.
I don't differentiate house activities as important or not important. But just that tomorrow i think is the biggest event that is being conducted as competitions amongst houses. Its not only me who has worked hard, infact every house captains has! I am representing on their behalf too. I have seen them work too. Its Time for all of us tomorrow. After that, no such events will be conducted. This means, tomorrow is the biggest and last event for Us class twelves, in High School and as high school student. Well i will enjoy to my fullest, support my members, work with friends and pray for all.
Thanks Bajothang Higher Secondary School.
Work is the worship of life. Congratulation for finding purpose in it.